Here is a summary of the ORID focused conversation method, as described in Change Management for Sustainable Development.
A matrix to have up your sleeve
Tools for strategic sustainability
When we get caught up in enthusiastic attention being paid to an issue – like single-use plastic or palm oil – it can knock our planned approach off-course. Or we can use it as an entry point for some strategic thinking. If you get the opportunity to strategise with senior leaders, what are the tools to help you?
If you want to do a more rigorous analysis of your sustainability impacts and opportunities, people I interviewed for Change Management for Sustainable Development recommended a range of frameworks and tools. Here they are, so you can use them too.
Breaking the Ice
Here are three great ice breakers for meetings, as described in a recent column in the environmentalist. They are:
- what we have in common;
- human bingo;
- getting to know you.
NB the photo used to illustrate the article is not a meeting set-up I would recommend. And what's with all those tissues...?
Use, adapt, enjoy, tell me how it goes, and warm things up a bit.