Still - terms and conditions
Let's keep this as simple as possible!
If we cancel the workshop we will refund your fee in full. If you cancel your place up to 21 days in advance of the workshop date, we will refund your fee in full. If you cancel 21 days of fewer ahead or the workshop, you are not entitled to a refund. The maximum number of places at a workshop is 8. We reserve the right to refuse a booking or cancel a place it will take numbers above this level.
Each Still conversation costs £165.00 plus VAT. There is a discounted price of £115.50 (30% discount). The discount price is for: multiple bookings (i.e. the same person booking for more than one conversation at the same time; the same organisation booking for more than one person for any conversation if the booking is made at the same time); IEMA, ICRS and ASP members; self-funded bookings. We trust you to only use the discounted price if you are entitled to it. There are various ways in which you might be entitled to a discount, and only one discount may be applied to your booking: in all cases the maximum discount on your booking will be 30%.
VAT will be charged at the prevailing rate, and shown separately on invoices and receipts.
We will keep your details so we can send you information about this workshop, and others that we may run in the future. You can opt out of this marketing information at any time. We will never share your contact details with anyone else without your permission. (We might want to help you swap details with other participants, for example. But we'd check with you first.)